Book a Portrait Sitting


Are you an outspoken trans or non-binary youth with supportive family? Do you feel inspired to speak out and share your story as an act of courageous advocacy during this era of multiplying anti-trans bills? Are you comfortable being public about your gender identity? I’d love to meet you and include you in this project. My travel dates are below (specific locations + times will be shared privately with participants). I have a very tight schedule, and I want to photograph as many people as I can in each state. There is no cost to book a sitting, and everyone will receive a digital copy of their portrait once the project is complete.

Use the form below to request a sitting, ask questions, and get on my schedule. Limited sessions available. Can’t wait to meet you!

PLEASE NOTE: Youth under 18 must have a parent sign a model release, as well as be present at the shoot for their own legal safety.



“I don’t have words for the beauty and confidence you captured in this single image! The feeling you captured in our son’s face is the truest and most confident I’ve seen in his 13 years. You are such a gift and we are forever grateful.”

“It was absolutely amazing meeting you. I appreciate you opening up and sharing some of your story with us. I think it gave our kid a lot of hope for the future. Thank you for doing this project.”

“I just wanted to thank you for photographing our child, and asking such thoughtful questions when you were talking with them. I think it was incredibly empowering for them to see an adult member of the trans community. It’s just so important to see there is a future out there for them that is possible. Thank you for sharing your story, your artistic gift, and your thoughtfulness with these kids- you are changing their (and our) world.”